SN 2003bw

Circular No. 8093

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2003bv, 2003bw, 2003bx, 2003by, 2003bz, 2003ca

Six apparent supernovae have been reported from CCD images --
SN 2003bv by T. Boles (cf. IAUC 8089), SN 2003bw by B. Beutler and
W. Li (LOTOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8092), and the rest by A. Becker and
the Deep Lens Survey Transient Team (cf. IAUC 7804, plus D. Loomba
and R. Wilcox) from the Cerro Tololo and Kitt Peak 4-m telescopes
(+ MOSAIC).  The magnitudes are unfiltered unless otherwise noted.

SN      2003 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.      Offset
2003bv  Mar. 12.00   7 22 11.92  +40 28 01.5  17.7   3".4 E, 5".3 S
2003bw  Mar. 12.5   14 57 22.44  -19 12 45.9  18.0   10".6 E, 3".3 N
2003bx  Mar.  3.0    5 25 04.00  -49 36 12.1  20.8V   1".9 W, 1".0 S
2003by  Mar.  7.3    9 22 30.01  +29 07 19.1  22.1R   0".3 E, 0".6 N
2003bz  Mar.  8.1    9 22 34.77  +30 04 42.5  23.8B   0".4 W, 4".4 S
2003ca  Mar.  8.1    9 23 58.91  +30 02 39.5  23.2B   0".1 E, 0".5 N

Additional magnitudes from the respective discoverers: SN 2003bv in
MCG +07-15-15, Feb. 1 UT, [19.0; 18, [19.5; Mar. 13.918, 16.8.  SN
2003bw in IC 1077, 2002 July 4.3, [19.0; Mar. 3.5, (hint under poor
conditions); 13.5, 18.0 (M. Schwartz).  SN 2003bx, 2002 Jan. 11, V
= [25; 15, B = [25; 2003 Mar. 2.0, B = 21.9.  SN 2003by, 2001 Dec.
19, R = [25.5; 2003 Jan. 5, V = [25; Mar. 8.4, V = 22.7; Mar. 10.3,
V = 23.0.  SN 2003bz, 2001 Nov. 15, B = [25; 2003 Jan. 7, V = [25;
Mar. 8.2, V = 22.3; Mar. 9.4, B = 23.9.  SN 2003ca, 2001 Nov. 15, B
= [25; 2003 Jan. 7, V = [25; Mar. 8.2, V = 22.2; Mar. 9.4, B =
23.4.  SN 2003bv is also absent from Palomar Sky Survey red and
blue plates.

Host galaxy info: Vel = 3452 km/s, 1.4 x 1.1, 13.44, SA(s)bc

SN type info: II


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