XVista manual page


smooth - to perform Gaussian and other convolutions on image files


smooth file [fw=] [fwr=] [fwc=] [boxcar=] [outfile=] [box=] [file=] [nodc=]


This routine performs a two dimensional convolution of of the image file with either a Gaussian, uniform (boxcar), or user supplied function. The full width at half maximum of the Gaussian can be specified either by specifying the row and column width (in pixels) separately as fwr= and fwc= or together using the fw= keyword. If specified, the operation is constrained to a box. The kernel areas are normalized to one so that the total pixel count is preserved; i.e. the peak values will drop.

The `nodc' generates a Gaussian kernel, however, it is biased downward by 0.5 and then the lower levels are normalized so that the net sum of the kernel is 0.


a) The convolution is performed in memory and sufficient resources must be present for the convolution to be successful. b) The maximum size of the kernel is 17 pixels, too large a value for fw may exceed this value. c) The algorithm assumes that the convolution kernel is separable; i.e. that the functional form of the kernel f(x,y) can be expressed as the product of two functions g(x)*h(y). d) Convolutions are done in the image domain and can be slow for large kernels.


smooth alphalyr fw=3.4 outfile=blurry convolves the image in the file `alphalyr.fts' with a two dimensional Gaussian with a fwhm of 3.4 pixels and writes the result to the file `blurry'.

smooth NGC1275 boxcar=4.6

convolves the file NGC1275.fts with a uniform square aperture of 4.6 pixels on a side and overwrites the input data.


The user specified file option is not ready yet.