BAIT: ccdproc script


ccdproc - correct ccd images for flat, bias and dark contributions


ccdproc image [nobias] [noflat]


ccdproc corrects the image file by subtracting the bias frame taken from the DATA_DIR/flats/bias.fts. The bias frame is adjusted for temperature drift using the BIAS_DRIFT temperature coefficient found in ait.config. Then the dark contribution is subtracted using the image DATA_DIR/flats/dark.fts scaled by the exposure time. Finally it divides the image by a twilight flat field image found in DATA_DIR/flats/flat$FILTER.fts where FILTER is the name of the filter used to take the image.

The symbols ZEROCOR and DARKCOR and FLATCOR are set to 1 if the processing is completed. The DATID's of the zero, dark and flats are entered into the FITS header as the BIASID, DARKID and FLATID respectively.

The script checks whether any of the corrections have been applied, and if not needed it is skipped.


ait.config, bias.csh, dark.csh , eveflat.csh , photo_proc


The HOME_DIR must be specified in the environment. It really should be derived from the FITS header in the image.