BAIT: daily.csh script


daily.csh - initiates the daily telescope control processes




The daily.csh is a C-shell script which should be executed near local noon (usually by a crontab entry). (The may be a `cfile' in the telescope root directory.) It must be invoked in the home directory of the telescope account by the account as

daily.csh >& daily.log

The daily does following tasks:

The daily checks each request file and moves those with DAYEND previous to the current date to the morgue. It also moves those requests in which NUM-DONE is equal to NUM-OBS.

It also does any system functions that should be performed on a daily basis such as setting the system clock and deleting certain log files. (Note: by deleting them at noon, we have a chance to do some postmortem analysis of the previous nights images if we act quickly.)

Finally it moves the daily.log file into the daily data directory.


accepter.csh, insgen, tserver