BAIT: moondist command


moondist - calculates the effective angle between a target and the moon


moondist [ut=hh:mm:ss] [date=dd/mm/yyyy] [verbose] request_file | fits_file


This program calculates the position of the moon at the time of the observation requested for each stanza in the request file for the upcoming night. Alternatively, if a fits_file is specified it calculates the lunar distance at the time of observation from the DATE-OBS and UT symols. The time of observation is estimated in the following manner: if UTSTART is specified this time is used; if an LSTSTART is specified, then the midpoint between LSTSTART and LSTEND is used; if neither of these is used and an RA is specified, the time of transit is used. If transit occurs before the sun is 10 degrees below the horizon, then the time of `sunset' is used. Similarly if the transit occurs after `sunrise' the time of sunrise is used.

We define here `the effective angle' as the lesser of the great circle distance and the absolute value of the azimuth difference (in degrees) between the target and the moon. We believe this number to be be a good indicator of the amount of moonlight that will fall into the slit.

The effective angular distance in degrees for all the stanzas in the request file is printed to stdout and the program exits with a zero exit code. If the moon is not a problem (or is below the horizon) or if the program is unable to calculate the moon distance for any reason, such as missing RA it prints the minimum distance so far calculated or one thousand degrees (whichever is lower) and exits with a zero exit code.


Note the ut and date options are meaningless when FITS files are used.

[ut=hh:mm:ss] - uses the Universal Time specified instead of the derived Universal Time.

[date=dd/mm/yyyy] - uses the universal date specified instead of today (or more correctly tonight).

[help] - displays options.

[verbose] - much more printout.


No consideration is made for the case when an object transits more than once in a given night. No weighting due to lunar phase is made even though the moon is much brighter when near full.