BAIT: nodate command


nodate - modify date strings in text files


nodate [file] [wrap] [inverse] [merge]


This program reads stdin or the file specified on the command line and converts any fields like Apr01 or Jun23 to their yearday. Fields that are of the format dd/mm/yyyy are converted to decimal year. If the inverse option is specified then all fields with the format dd/mm/yyyy are converted to a format like Mondd. All other fields are passed through without change, except that multiple whitespace characters are converted to single spaces.

If the wrap option is specified, a change backwards in month order will lead to adding 365 days to the output value. This option only has meaning when dealing with Mondd strings.

If the merge option is specified, then if both date fields and time fields (i.e. those with hh:mm:ss format) are found, the decimal year now is correct to the specified hour.


nobaby, utday


The conventions are ridiculous.