KAIT Camera

camera camera side

The light from telescope (above) passes a mirror with a hole. The central rays then pass thru a 20 slot filter wheel and then strikes the Apogee Instruments camera. You can see the filter wheel better from the top view

Rays outside of the 25mm diam field will be reflected by the mirror, pass through a field flattening lens and ultimately to the guide camera. The guide camera is a Spectrasource Peltier cooled CCD camera using a small format using a Texas Instruments TC244 192x165 pixel imager. The field of view of the guider is ??x??.

The camera is mounted on a New England Affiliated Technologies OF-4040-SM XY translation stage with a 50x50 mm total motion allowing the guide camera to be placed anywhere in the ??x?? field. The guider field suffers severe and variable vignetting over this range.

Filter Wheel

The Filter wheel has position for twenty 1 inch diameter filter. The standard thickness is 8 mm. The filters are positioned by a stepper motor. A Hall effect sensor is used to determine the home position. The filter wheel can be removed easily for inspection and cleaning.

Guider optics

The telescope field is highly curved (radius ??). A plano convex field flattener lens is used to correct this defect. The guider focal plane is in front of the guide camera; a commercial f0.95 ??mm lens is used to re-image and compress the image.

Last Updated June 2, 2000 by
Email: rtreffers@astro.berkeley.edu