SN dataarchive

Supernova Search Data Archive


Short listings of all the images taken by BAIT are stored in the CAT files. Each months listing is stored in a file with the name Monyy.CAT, for example: Jan97.CAT. These files are generated by morning.csh and can be found in the /$DATA_DIR/CAT directory. These files list:
reqid    -- the id code associated with the request file
date-obs -- the Universal time  date the image was taken
datid    -- the id code associated with the image file
filters  -- the name of the filter used
exptime  -- the exposure time in seconds
object   -- the name of the object
observer -- the name of the observer
For example:
Oct6ruvx 08/01/1997 Jan78gxg B       120.00 SN_1996bo_in_NGC673   treffers
Oct6ruvx 08/01/1997 Jan78gzy U       180.00 SN_1996bo_in_NGC673   treffers
sn14    08/01/1997 Jan78hjl R        60.00 NGC877                  SN
sn20    08/01/1997 Jan78hla R        60.00 NGC797                  SN
sn20    08/01/1997 Jan78hmr R        60.00 NGC812                  SN
Oct6hsta 08/01/1997 Jan78hnr R        60.00 DQ_Tau            treffers
Oct6hsta 08/01/1997 Jan78hoy R        60.00 UZ_Tau            treffers
Dec6gpnp 08/01/1997 Jan78hpx R       300.00 SN_1996by_in_UGC_3379   richmond
Nov64zdo 08/01/1997 Jan78hvj R       300.00 SN_1996bq_in_NGC_996   richmond
Supernova search images have the observer SN.


Cumulative information about the supernova search can be found in the /$DATA_DIR/sn/slog directory and have the format MonYY.slog; for example Dec96.slog. These files are also generated by morning.csh and contains lines from the showcand command.
Last revised 2/27/97 - RRT