SN search code

Supernova Search Code


The goal of the supernova search software is to locate new stars in the images of galaxies. The supernova search code uses the XVista image processing suite and UNIX commands combined as C-shell scripts.

sn is the front end procedure that is used for the supernova search. In the request file, one must specify RA, DEC, EPOCH, EXPTIME, FILTERS, and OBJECT then invoke sn as the PROCEDUR. Here is a typical request file It then does the following:


sn_search is a C-shell script which takes as an argument the DATID of the newly observed (target) image of the galaxy and looks for supernova candidates. It does the following: The script creates a file with the name $DATID.cand; where DATID is the data id of the observation. This file contains the FITS header of the observation, additional search keywords and if any candidates were found, a line generated by phot containing the location and photometry of the candidate(s).

Last Updated 4/21/97 - RRT