Wavefront Sensing with the Differential Optical Transfer Function (dOTF) Dr. Johanan L. Codona University of Arizona, Steward Observatory The difference between the Fourier transforms of two point source images with a small pupil change introduced between them is all that is required to find the complex field in the pupil. We will discuss this surprisingly simple result, the theory behind it, and its experimental validation. Because dOTF is inherently not as photon efficient as other wavefront sensing techniques, it is not a candidate for high-speed adaptive optics applications. However, there are many places where it is a very simple and uniquely-powerful method. We will talk about applications ranging from optical shop testing to ophthalmological applications to a new technique for phasing the JWST segments with no additional required hardware. The dOTF can give interferometer-quality results with nothing more sophisticated than a laser pointer and an uncalibrated fingertip. With a bit more sophistication it is possible to perform the equivalent of image processing on the complex pupil field, enabling visualization and measurement of small and subtle wavefront features. By using dOTF with more than one point source simultaneously in a system with a shift-dependent PSF, the 3-dimensional structure of the aberrations and vignetting can be revealed from two images.