Distinguished Professor Emerita in the Department of Astronomy,

and the Department of Earth and Planetary Science

Professor of the Graduate School

Faculty Liaison with Breakthrough Listen

Department of Astronomy, 501 Campbell Hall,
University of California, Berkeley CA 94720

email: imke@berkeley.edu

Main Interest: Planetary Science
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Current Projects
in our group




Infrared and Visible light Adaptive Optics Observations

Adaptive Optics and Speckle Imaging
Planets (except Jupiter) and Satellites

Planetary Rings
Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact


Radio Observations

Giant planets, their rings and satellites; comets
using the VLA, BIMA & ALMA


JWST Observations

JWST observations of the Solar System


HST Observations

HST observations of Jupiter



Observations of Jupiter at Visible, Infrared and radio Wavelengths




Our group has been involved in the Taiwan American Occultation Survey (TAOS) of Kuiper Belt objects (KBO) in the outer Solar System


Jupiter Sounds
Sounds from Jupiter (magnetic particle vibrations)
Miscellaneous interviews
Classes and Seminars
Links to Related Web Sites

Original Web Author: Jesse Lane jesse@heart-of-music.com 2289 Melvin Road, Oakland, CA 94602

When using images and movies, please reference accompanying papers; for publication, contact Imke de Pater.