SN 2002F

Circular No. 7797

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SUPERNOVAE 2002D, 2002E, 2002F, and 2002G

B. Swift and W. D. Li, University of California at Berkeley, report observations by LOTOSS
(cf. IAUC 7514) of four new apparent supernovae in unfiltered Katzman Automatic Imaging
Telescope (KAIT) images:

SN           2002 UT              R.A. (2000.0) Decl.            R                   Offset
2002D     Jan. 16.2        01 32 57.80   -16 32 07.3       16.8       12".6 E, 1".6 N
2002E     Jan. 16.5        12 08 52.90   -09 02 13.2        16.8        2".2 W, 1".7 S
2002F     Jan. 17.2        03 52 58.52   +35 35 00.8        18.1      48".4 W, 20".9 S
2002G     Jan. 18.5        13 07 55.26   +34 05 06.5        17.7        5".9 E, 7".0 S

Additional magnitude estimates from KAIT images: SN 2002D in NGC 594, 2001 Oct. 10.3 UT,
[19.5; 2002 Jan. 17.2, 16.7. SN 2002E in NGC 4129, 2001 June 10.3, [19.0; 2002 Jan. 17.5, 16.8.
SN 2002F in UGC 2885, 2001 Nov. 9.2, [19.0; 2002 Jan. 18.2, 17.8. SN 2002G, 2001 June 10.3,
[19.0; 2002 Jan. 19.4, 17.3.


Host galaxy info: Vel = 5802 km/s, 3.9 x 1.9, 13.5, SA(rs)c

SN type info: SN II


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