Circular No. 8141
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
SUPERNOVAE 2003ew, 2003ex, 2003ey, AND 2003ez
Further to IAUC 8140, several additional apparent supernovae have been reported by L. G. Strolger et al. (2003ew), by W. M. Wood-Vasey et al. (2003ex, 2003ey) and by M. Papenkova and W. Li (2003ez). SN 2003 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset 2003ew Jan. 4.7 12 36 27.78 +62 11 25.1 24.1 0".21 W, 0".1 S 2003ex Mar. 26.44 13 27 32.31 + 5 31 14.4 19.1 2".5 W, 1".1 S 2003ey May 24.33 14 20 03.28 - 8 28 40.0 19.2 2".4 W, 0".8 S 2003ez June 3.2 12 43 11.87 - 2 30 04.1 17.5 4".5 W, 0".7 S Further magnitudes provided by the respective observers: SN 2003ew, 2003 Feb. 20.4 UT, 24.3; May 21.8, [26.0. SN 2003ex, 2002 May 6.23, [21.4; 2003 Feb. 5.57, [20.8; Apr. 6.39, 19.8; 14.40, [19.1; 20.41, 19.8; 24.42, [20.3; 25.59, [19.2; 26.37, 19.8; 28.40, [18.4; 29.39, 20.2; May 2.39, [19.5; 3.34, 19.8; 6.40, [19.8; 7.35, 20.1; 8.29, 20.4 (uncertainty up to 0.4 mag on the NEAT data). SN 2003ey, 2002 Apr. 8.48, [21.4; 2003 Mar. 27.45, [21.1; Apr. 9.57, [19.4; 27.46, [19.5; May 2.42, [19.0; 30.28, 18.8. SN 2003ez in PGC 42782, May 21.2, [19.0; June 4.2, 17.4.-----------------------------
Host galaxy info: vel = 14343 km/s, 0.57 x 0.42, 15.90, SB(rs)c pec
SN type info: Ia
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