SN 2003hg

Circular No. 8184

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2003hg, 2003hh, 2003hi, 2003hj, 2003hk, 2003hl

     Several additional apparent supernovae have been reported from
     unfiltered CCD images -- 2003hg, 2003hh, 2003hk, and 2003hl by M.
     Moore and W. Li (via LOTOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8182), and 2003hi,
     2003hj, and 2003hk by T. Boles (cf. IAUC 8179).  The tabulated data
     below for 2003hg, 2003hh, and 2003hl are from Li, the rest from

     SN      2003 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.     Mag.     Offset
     2003hg  Aug. 18.4   23 51 24.13  +20 06 38.3   16.9   11".5 W, 3".9 S
     2003hh  Aug. 18.5    0 00 07.08  +08 16 42.3   18.7   0".4 E, 2".9 S
     2003hi  Aug. 19.87  15 56 33.80  +41 53 47.5   18.1   8".9 E, 6".1 S
     2003hj  Aug. 19.92  15 24 20.51  +29 57 11.9   17.5   1".0 E, 8".2 S
     2003hk  Aug. 20.11   2 46 25.69  + 3 36 32.3   17.6   5".8 E, 6".0 N
     2003hl  Aug. 20.5    1 59 21.28  +19 00 14.5   16.5   24".2 E, 13".0 S

     Additional approximate magnitudes (from KAIT unless denoted 'B' for
     Boles):  SN 2003hg in NGC 7771, Aug. 9.4 UT, [19.0; 19.4, 16.9.  SN
     2003hh in UGC 12890, Aug. 8.5, [19.5; 19.4, 18.1.  SN 2003hi in MCG
     +07-33-16, Feb. 28, [19.0 (B); Apr. 8, [19.5 (B); May 28, [19.5 (B);
     Aug. 20.852, 18.1 (B).  SN 2003hj in MCG +05-36-28, Feb. 3, [19.0
     (B); Apr. 8, [19.5 (B); May 28, [19.5 (B); Aug. 20.846, 17.9 (B).
     SN 2003hk in NGC 1085, Jan. 7, [19.0 (B); Feb. 1.2, [19.0; 17,
     [19.0 (B); Aug. 20.5, 16.1; 21.063, 17.6 (B); 21.5, 16.0.  SN
     2003hl in NGC 772, Aug. 11.5, [19.0; 21.5, 16.4.  SN 2003hi is also
     absent from Palomar Sky Survey 1991 red and 1988 blue plates, SN
     2003hj from 1987 red and 1990 blue plates, and SN 2003hk from 1990
     red and 1992 blue plates.  Position end figures for SN 2003hk from
     Li:  25s.76, 32".2 (or 6".3 east and 5".9 north of the nucleus of
     NGC 1085). 

Host galaxy info: vel = 4277 km/s, 2.5 x 1.0, 13.08, SB(s)a HII

SN type info: II


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