SN 2004ep

Circular No. 8406

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2004el, 2004em, 2004en, 2004eo, 2004ep

Five apparent supernovae have been discovered on unfiltered
CCD images:  2004el in MCG +09-25-4 by R. Arbour (cf. IAUC 8376),
2004em in IC 1303 by M. Armstrong (cf. IAUC 8399), 2004en by T.
Boles (cf. IAUC 8405), 2004eo in NGC 6928 by K. Itagaki (cf. IAUC
8377; via S. Nakano), and 2004ep in IC 2152 by M. Moore and W. Li
(LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8401).

SN       2004 UT        R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2004el   Sept.14.870  14 59 51.79  +54 37 06.1   16.8   9".9 W, 2".7 S
2004em   Sept.14.968  19 31 31.11  +35 52 15.7   17.5   10".4 E, 20".3 S
2004en   Sept.16.054   2 36 26.53  +35 59 25.5   18.2   8".9 E, 1".0 N
2004eo   Sept.17.500  20 32 54.19  + 9 55 42.7   17.8   59".1 E, 6".5 N
2004ep   Sept.22.52    5 57 53.66  -23 10 58.3   18.6   3".8 E, 7".2 S

Approximate unfiltered CCD magnitudes (from the respective
discoverers unless otherwise noted):  SN 2004el, Mar. 30 UT, [19.5
(Boles); 6.92, [17.5; Sept. 14.943, 17.2 (Boles); 15.822, 16.8.
SN 2004em, 1988 June 13, [22.5 (blue Palomar Sky Survey); 1992 Aug.
31, [20.8 (red Palomar Sky Survey); 2004 July 28, [19.0; Sept.
15.831, 17.5.  SN 2004en, 1986 Nov. 27, [21.0 (red Digitized Sky
Survey); 1987 Oct. 1, [20.5 (blue Digitized Sky Survey); 2003 Nov.
27, [19.5; Dec. 28, [19.5; 2004 Sept. 16.966, 18.2.  SN 2004eo,
2002 July 30, [18.5; 2004 Sept. 8, [18.5; 12, [18.5; 18.647, 17.6
(poor weather conditions).  SN 2004ep, Mar. 5.20, [19.5; Aug.
16.54, 18.7.  An image of SN 2004el taken by D. Briggs (near
Portsmouth, England) on Sept. 14.9 yielded position end figures
51s.84, 05".7.  SN 2004el was also not present on the (Digitized
Sky Survey) Palomar plates taken in 1991 (limiting blue mag 20.1)
and 1994 (limiting red mag 19.8).

Host galaxy info: vel = 1875 km/s, 1.7 x 1.2, 13.42,(R:)SAB(l)ab:

SN type info: II


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