Circular No. 8271
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SUPERNOVAE 2004D, 2004E, AND 2004F
B. Swift, J. Burket, H. Pugh, R. J. Foley, A. V. Filippenko, and W. Li report the LOSS discovery of three additional supernovae on KAIT images. SN 2004 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset 2004D Jan. 4.5 11 56 27.82 +39 44 16.7 19.1 4".7 W, 14".1 S 2004E Jan. 15.5 13 16 51.40 +31 35 11.8 16.1 3".2 E, 20".4 N 2004F Jan. 16.2 3 17 53.80 - 7 17 43.0 17.8 6".0 E, 9".2 N Additional KAIT magnitudes: SN 2004D in UGC 6916, 2003 May 22.3 UT, [19.5; 2004 Jan. 10.5, 19.0. SN 2004E in PGC 46239, 2002 Dec. 25.1, [19.5; 2004 Jan. 16.5, 16.1. SN 2004F in NGC 1285, 2003 Nov. 21.2, [18.5; 2004 Jan. 17.2, 17.9. Foley, Serduke, Chornock, and Filippenko add that inspection of CCD spectra, obtained as above on Jan. 17, reveals that SN 2004D is of type II, several months past maximum brightness; relatively narrow H_alpha emission is dominant, and the Ca II near-infrared triplet emission is also visible, but [O I] and [Ca II] are weak or nonexistent, so the object has not yet reached the nebular phase. SN 2004E is of type Ia, with a spectral-feature age (Riess et al. 1997, A.J. 114, 722) of 2 +/- 2 days past maximum brightness.-----------------------------
Host galaxy info: vel = 5239 km/s, 1.5 x 1.1, 13.54, (R')SB(r)b pec
SN type info: IIn-pec
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