SN 2005dw

Circular No. 8598

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2005du, 2005dv, 2005dw, 2005dx, 2005dy, 2005dz

Six apparent supernovae discoveries have been reported from
unfiltered CCD images.  SN 2005du was found by the 'Nearby
Supernova Factory' group via G. Aldering (cf. CBET 214); 2005dv by
P. Dainese (Marghera, Italy) and A. Dimai (Cortina, Italy) in the
course of the CROSS program (cf. IAUC 7373); 2005dw and 2005dx by
N. Ponticello, M. Baek, J. Burket, and W. Li (via LOSS/KAIT; cf.
IAUC 8594); and 2005dy by A. Sehgal, J. Newton, and T. Puckett with
the 0.50-m Sehgal telescope (Osoyoos, BC) in the course of the
Puckett Observatory Supernova Search (cf. IAUC 8580).  SN 2005dz
was found independently by Puckett and A. Pelloni with a 0.60-m
reflector (whence the tabulated data below) and by LOSS.

SN      2005 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2005du  Aug.  8.5     0 09 34.7   +12 45 21.4  19.7
2005dv  Sept. 4.83   13 41 04.45  +67 40 20.3  15.0   8" W
2005dw  Aug. 30.29   22 13 31.83  -27 33 19.6  16.7   6".4 E, 11".1 N
2005dx  Sept. 9.49    4 04 28.85  -17 54 27.5  18.6   12".3 W, 10".8 S
2005dy  Sept. 7.36    4 28 38.72  +70 20 49.0  19.0   5".0 W, 1".3 S
2005dz  Sept. 10.21  23 38 38.33  + 5 26 17.3  18     24" E, 16" N

Additional approximate magnitudes from the respective observing
groups:  SN 2005dv in NGC 5283, June 27 UT, [19.0; Aug. 5, [18.5;
Sept. 6.79, 14.8.  SN 2005dw in MCG -05-52-49, Aug. 12.28, [18.5;
Sept. 9.29, 16.9.  SN 2005dx in MCG -03-11-9, Feb. 23.17, [19.5;
Sept. 11.48, 18.7.  SN 2005dy in UGC 3042, July 27, [20.5; Aug. 29,
[20.5; Sept. 11.35, 18.7.  SN 2005dz in UGC 12717, July 27, [19.8
(Puckett); 29, [19.8 (Puckett); Sept. 2.30, [19.0 (KAIT); 11.31,
18.1 (KAIT).  SN 2005du was confirmed photometrically on Aug. 11.5
with the Lick 1-m Nickel reflector and was found to be a type-II
supernova via spectroscopic observations with the 5-m Palomar
reflector by A. Gal-Yam, D. Sand, and D. C. Leonard on Aug. 14.
Also, nothing is visible at the location of SN 2005dv on Palomar
Sky Survey red, blue, and infrared images.  Li provides position
end figures 38s.28, 17".1 (and offsets 23".8 east, 15".0 north of
the center of UGC 12717) for SN 2005dz.

Host galaxy info: vel = 5269 km/s, 1.6 x 0.4, 13.73, Sab pec:

SN type info: II


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