SN 2005en

Circular No. 8605

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2005en AND 2005eo IN UGC 4132

Two apparent supernova in UGC 4132 have been discovered on
unfiltered CCD images:  both objects independently by T. Puckett
and M. Peoples (cf. IAUC 8601) and by the Lick Observatory
Supernova Search program (KAIT, via R. R. Prasad and W. Li, with
2005eo first spotted by E. Lee on the Sept. 29.54 image; cf. IAUC
8604).  SN 2005eo was also independently found by P. Berlind while
undertaking spectroscopy for 2005en on Sept. 29 at Mt. Hopkins.
The tabulated data below are from Puckett.

SN      2005 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2005en  Sep. 27.19   7 59 12.61  +32 55 00.5  17.5   5".8 W, 6".9 N
2005eo  Sep. 27.19   7 59 13.94  +32 55 19.7  18.3   11".0 E, 26".1 N

Li provides position end figures 12s.64, 54'59".4 for SN 2005en,
and 13s.98, 18".4 for 2005eo.  Approximate magnitudes for 2005en:
2005 Mar. 2 UT, [20.0 (Puckett); 25, [20.0 (Puckett); Apr. 4.15,
[19.5 (Li); Sept. 28.51, 17.0 (Li).  Approximate magnitudes for
2005eo:  Mar. 2, [20.0 (Puckett); 25, [20.0 (Puckett); Apr. 4.15,
[19.5 (Li); Sept. 28.51, 17.5 (Li); 29.17, 18.0 (S. Faworski,
Elizabeth, IL, via Puckett); 29.54, 17.5 (Li).

Host galaxy info: vel = 5219 km/s, 2.0 x 0.5, 13.9, Sbc

SN type info: II


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