SN 2006ei

Circular No. 8741

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2006ed-2006en

Several additional apparent supernovae have been discovered on
unfiltered CCD images:  2006en by T. Puckett and M. Peoples (0.60-m
reflector at Ellijay, GA; cf. IAUC 8733), and the rest by N.
Joubert, D. R. Madison, R. Mostardi, H. Khandrika, and W. Li
(LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8736).

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006ed  Aug. 18.17  15 03 50.64  +42 06 48.5  17.7  1".8 E, 7".2 S
2006ee  Aug. 18.47   1 59 35.40  +14 00 19.6  17.6  9".5 E, 9".4 S
2006ef  Aug. 18.51   2 04 19.51  - 8 43 42.2  15.6  8".3 E, 24".9 N
2006eg  Aug. 20.51   2 32 53.57  +19 15 33.2  18.3  0".6 E, 3".2 N
2006eh  Aug. 20.52   2 50 11.95  +47 03 20.5  18.2  3".2 W, 3".6 N
2006ei  Aug. 21.48   1 56 37.15  +34 10 37.4  18.5  10".3 W, 0".1 N
2006ej  Aug. 23.39   0 38 59.77  - 9 00 56.6  16.4  6".2 W, 4".6 S
2006ek  Aug. 25.27  22 05 09.23  +26 36 31.4  19.2  3".6 E, 5".8 N
2006el  Aug. 25.28  22 47 38.50  +39 52 27.6  18.2  12".9 E, 18".2 S
2006em  Aug. 25.49   2 25 44.30  +41 56 31.8  17.5  21".4 E, 50".9 S
2006en  Aug. 26.15  23 10 05.06  +30 13 24.0  15.8  10".9 E, 3".8 S

Additional magnitudes for 2006ed in UGC 9684:  Aug. 2.21 UT, [19.0;
5.19, [18.0; 19.19, 17.6.  Additional magnitudes for 2006ee in NGC
774:  Aug. 10.45, [18.7; 19.44, 17.7.  Additional magnitudes for
2006ef in NGC 809:  Aug. 1.49, [18.3; 19.41, 15.3.  Additional
magnitudes for 2006eg:  Jan. 20.12, [19.5; July 31.52, [18.5; Aug.
22.50, 18.1.  Additional magnitudes for 2006eh in UGC 2308:  Feb.
22.12, [19.5; Aug. 2.54, [18.3; 22.51, 18.3.  Additional magnitudes
for 2006ei in NGC 735:  Jan. 30.13, [19.5;  July 13.49, [18.2; Aug.
4.49, [18.0; 22.51, 18.2.  Additional magnitudes for 2006ej in NGC
191A:  Aug. 14.40, [19.3; 24.38, 14.7.  NGC 191A is the southeast
component of the interacting galaxy pair Arp 127 (the other
component being NGC 191).  Additional magnitudes for 2006ek in MCG
+04-52-3:  Aug. 17.39 UT, [19.5; 26.30, 19.0.  Additional
magnitudes for 2006el in UGC 12188:  Aug. 18.32, [19.4; 26.30, 18.0.
SN 2006dn also appeared in UGC 12188.  Additional magnitudes for SN
2006em in NGC 911:  Aug. 19.53, [19.2; 26.44, 17.4.  Additional
magnitudes for 2006en in MCG +05-54-41:  2005 Dec. 15, [19.3; 2006
Aug. 27.19, 15.2 (note that the dates given here for 2006en correct
those given on CBET 606).  Spectra by R. J. Foley et al. on Aug. 24
UT (cf. CBET 604) yield the following supernova types:  2006ed, II;
2006ee, II; 2006ef, Ia; 2006eg, Ib/c (nebular phase); 2006eh, IIn,
2006ei, Ic; 2006ej, Ia.

Host galaxy info: vel = 4629 km/s, 1.8 x 0.9 ; 14.07; Sb

SN type info: Ic


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