OBSERVER= 'Tycho Brahe' SENDMAIL= T MAILADDR= '' PROCEDUR= 'photo_proc' OBJECT = 'Orion Nebula' RA = ' 5:35:11.0 ' DEC = '-5:23:16 ' EPOCH = 2000 FILTERS = 'R' EXPTIME = 300.0 ENDThe first keyword tells the system who is requesting the observation. You must fill in your own name and enclose it in single quotation marks. Keywords and values are case sensitive; keywords are always capitalized. Comments can start anywhere after a # sign or / sign. The next two keywords determine the disposition of the data: in order to be informed when the observation is made, SENDMAIL must be set to the letter T (this is a Boolean True); and your Internet address must be placed as the value for MAILADDR.
The PROCEDUR (note odd spelling) keyword specifies how you want your observation made. The most common value is 'photo_proc' which takes an image that has been bias and dark current compensated and flat field corrected.
The OBJECT keyword must be set to the name of your target; again it must be enclosed in single quotation marks. The Right Ascension and declination of your target must be specified in Babylonian format (hour minutes seconds format delimited by colons and no included spaces) . The equinox (year) of the coordinates must also be specified using the (slightly misnamed) EPOCH keyword. The optical filter name must be supplied as well as the exposure time in seconds. The section CAPABILITIES below tells you how to find the names of the available filters. Finally the file must finish with an END statement.
When the request file is complete send it by e-mail to: - for the twenty inch telescope - for the thirty inch telescope
You will then receive (in less than a few hours) a reply informing you whether your observation has been scheduled or rejected. You will also be assigned an id code (REQID) for the request. (This code is derived from the date and time that the request was received.)
If errors are present an attempt will be made to provide diagnostic messages. These must be corrected and the file re-submitted before an observation is scheduled.
Your BAIT observation(s) from the Twenty inch telescope are available on
directory filename filter exptime object pub/bait/Dec03 Dec33bzi.fts.Z V 1500.0 SN_1993ad pub/bait/Dec03 Dec33cmx.fts.Z R 900.0 SN_1993ad pub/bait/Dec03 Dec33cuh.fts.Z I 900.0 SN_1993adThe message tells you that your data is on the machine: '' in the directory: 'pub/bait/Dec03' and has the filenames Dec33bzi.fts.Z etc. To retrieve the above data you must then enter the following commands (without the prompts) from the directory in which you want to import the data:
% ftp Connected to 220 flipper FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready. Name ( anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Password: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd pub/bait/Dec03 ftp> binary ftp> get Dec33bzi.fts.Z ftp> get Dec33cmx.fts.Z ftp> get Dec33cuh.fts.Z ftp> quit % uncompress Dec33bzi.fts Dec33cmx.fts Dec33cuh.ftsThe last command converts the file from its compressed form to native FITS.
If the string 'has_expired' is present it means that you have specified and ending date (see DAYEND) and that day has passed without the requested number of observations (see NUM-OBS) being completed once again the request will be retired.
The string 'observation_failed' means that the system attempted to observe your target last night, but for some reason was unable to take data. This may be have been due to poor weather, or equipment failure. These messages do not mean that they request is no longer active; it will be attempted again tomorrow.
PROCEDUR='get_config' ENDTo the e-mail address of the telescope you wish to learn about (e.g. and you will get a file similar to:
OBSERVAT='Leuschner' OBSLAT = 37.91833 / Leuschner latitude in decimal degrees OBSLONGH= 8.1437972 / Leuschner longitude in hours OBSELEV = 304. / Leuschner elevation (m) # INSTRUME='B.A.I.T.' # #telescope parameters TELESCOP='Thirty inch' TELAREA = 4560.0 / telescope collecting area (cm^2) TELSCALE= 33.88 / scale in arc seconds per mm TELLIMN = 90.0 / North declination limit (decimal degrees ) TELLIMS = -31.0 / South dec lim TELLIME = -100.0 / East hour angle limit TELLIMW = 100.0 / West hour angle limit TELLIMA = 16.0 / altitude limit DETECTOR='Ford Aerospace' CCDPIX= '20.0 20.0' / pixel size along columns and rows (microns) CCDSEC = '[1:516,1:516]' / number of columns and rowsThe file conktains the telescope limits in declination and hour angle; the latitude and longitude, the filter names, the size and nature of the CCD as well as various internal keyword/values.#filter parameters #the number is the filter bolt number which starts at 0 #define the names are CASE sensitive so that 'u' differs from 'U' #filter format is 'name eff.lambda(Angstroms) equiv.width(Ang) exptime' # the UBVRI set is from Schild,PASP,1983,95,1021. NFILTERS=8 / maximum number of filters FILTER00='clear 5000 4000 1 ' / numbers a guess, not measured FILTER01='none 5000 5000 1 ' / numbers a guess FILTER02='B 4400 800 60 ' / numbers a guess FILTER03='R 6700 1000 20 ' / number a guess FILTER04='I 8000 1000 20 ' / number a guess FILTER04='I 8000 1000 20 ' / number a guess FILTER05='V 5500 900 40 ' / numbers a guess FILTER06='U 3650 700 60 ' / numbers a guess FILTER07='ir 9000 2000 10 ' / numbers a guess
Multiple observations that must be taken together can be included in the same request file by including extra lines after the END statement. Only keywords that change need be included. The following example is a request for two images with different filter and exposure times of the Orion nebula. When successful you will receive two images with different DATIDs.
OBSERVER= 'Galileo Galilei' SENDMAIL= T MAILADDR= '' PROCEDUR= 'photo_proc' OBJECT = 'Orion Nebula' RA = ' 5:35:11.0 ' DEC = '-5:23:16 ' EPOCH = 2000 FILTERS = 'R' EXPTIME = 30.0 END FILTERS = 'B' EXPTIME = 90.0 ENDTo observe planets or asteroids (whose coordinates change with time) prepare a request similar to the following:
#this is a sample request file for looking at pluto OBSERVER= 'Johannes
SENDMAIL= T MAILADDR= '' PROCEDUR= 'doplanet' OBJECT = 'pluto' FILTERS = 'clear' EXPTIME = 300.0 ENDThe OBJECT specifies the name of the major or minor planet. No coordinates are needed since the PROCEDUR 'doplanet' will calculate them at the time the observation is made. However, you must still fill in the exposure time and filter.
You may receive the message you are not in our list of permitted users, even after you have registered (See Preliminaries above), because you have sent the request from a different computer than the one you originally used. This is an unfortunate result of our security system.
If you lose track of what you have requested: a complete list of targets for the telescope can be retrieved by mailing the following request to the relevant e-mail address:
PROCEDUR='get_targets' ENDA tentative list of the scheduled targets for the telescope can be retrieved by mailing the following request to the relevant e-mail address:
PROCEDUR='get_list' ENDThe target list is created around noon local time and is updated after observations are made and accepted. Observations that are scheduled but not observed are denoted 'selected'; those completed are denoted either 'done' or 'error' depending on whether they were observed without telescope error. Those denoted 'nospace' may not be observed since the schedule is too busy.
To delete your request you can send a file listing the REQIDs and the PROCEDUR='del_request'. For example
PROCEDUR='del_request' REQID='Feb43ebe' # CW_Tauri REQID='Feb43ebg' # DG_Tauri REQID='Feb43ebk' # HD45677 END Note: the requests will only bedeleted if their value of MAILADDR matches the Return path of the incoming mail.
If you are patient and receive a message 'observation_failed' and wish to find out why, look in the file 'insgen.log' in the current data directory (e.g. pub/thirty/Dec07). This file contains a listing of the nights work and is for experts only.
Currently there is very little control of quality of the data. Severely bad weather will cause the telescope to shut down, however, observations are not stopped due to intermittent cloud cover. If the guider is operational, clouds will cause the acquisition to fail and you will get a morning message.