guidestage - positions to the guiderstage
guidestage ra=hh:mm:ss dec=dd:mm:ss epoch=hh:mm:ss
gura=hh:mm:ss gudec=dd:mm:ss guepoch=hh:mm:ss
guidestage x=%f y=%f
guidestage has two modes. The first takes the values of the target ra
and the guider ra from the command line all must be specified (sorry) and
moves the guider to the correct position. If the motion is in-accessible or
the stage fails, an error message will be written to stderr and a non-zero
exit code will be issued. If the nomove flag is specified the x,y
position is printed out and the stage is not
The second takes the position of the guider stage and prints out the ra and
dec offsets in decimal degrees (not corrected for cosine factor) which you
need to move the telescope to take a star which is centered on the guider and
move it into the main
Note: the main ccd center may not necessarily be at x=25.4 y=25.4 see
ait.config for
set s=`guidestage x=24.4 y=11.0`
tx offset ra=$s[1] dec=$s[2] cos
will move the telescope so that the star centered on the main beam will
appear in the