BAIT: image command


image - takes a picture with the CCD camera


image [time=#] [outfile=name] [box=#] [notel] [noflush] [dark] [verbose] [gain=#]


This program takes a picture of exposure time specified by the time flag (default: 0.1 second), and writes the file image.fts in the working directory, unless over-ridden by the outfile= switch. The telescope coordinates and telescope focus are written in the FITS header if the notel switch is not specified.

The CCD is readout before each exposure is made unless the noflush keyword is used.


time=# - sets exposure time to # seconds (resolution circa 50 ms.)

outfile=xxx -writes the image into the file xxxx. Watch out it does not automatically add the .fts.

box=# - writes out image only in the box specified by its starting row, where the box number defined by the XVista box command.

gain=# - sets the CCD gain to the specified value. The default is 1.0. Any integer is acceptable, but the readout will take correspondingly longer.

notel - does not write the telescope coordinates or telescope focus into the FITS header

noflush - does not readout the ccd before the exposure is made. (So you can make multiple exposures.)

verbose - more printout

dark - to make exposure without opening shutter.

help - prints out the commands


The box facility has not been implemented yet.

Last Revised January 22, 1997 by
