If the the symbol is a arabic number then the program prints out the specified field from the first card after the END statement. This stupid feature is only available for pseudo FITS files.
There are two strange exceptions: the keyword `file_id' is interpreted as the name of the file stripped of the leading path and trailing extension just like the reqid (see example). and the keyword `file_name' is interpreted as the name of the file with full path and extension.
pformat object,%-7s datid,%s filters,%4s exptime,%.0f *.fts
Would print out lines like:
dark Dec36xdr U 600
pformat object,%-7s observer,%-9s,anon exptime,%.1f Mar*.fts
Prints out lines like:
Orion Forenzi 23.0
Gammag anon 34.5
OrionH3 Stevens 30.0
The command
pformat file_id,%8s observer,%-9s,anon ~bait/targets/*.rqs
Prints out lines like:
Mar3axdf Henry_Forenzi
Mar3cydf anon
May4cydf Stevens