BAIT manual page


cosmic - determines whether an object is a cosmic ray


cosmic image_file [infile=] [sky=] [fwhm=] [inverse] [verbose]


cosmic is an ad-hoc program to determine whether an object discovered by the stars program is a cosmic ray. The program works by investigating each target in a coordinate file (see findmatch, for a discussion of a coordinate file) that was derived from the specified image file. The coordinate file is expected in stdin (say from a pipe) or is read using the command line switch infile=. It then finds the FWHM (full width at half maximum) in both the row and column directions using the value of sky from the XVista sky variable or the command line. It then compares to lesser of the two values to the threshold of 2.0 pixels or the value set by the command line switch fwhm=.

If the target is a cosmic ray, the entire input line is echoed to stdout. If the inverse flag is set, only objects that are determined not to be cosmic rays are carried from the input to the output.

The verbose flag prints out a line with the star_number, center_row, center_column, row_width, col_width, fwhm.


axes, findmatch, stars