Supernova Search List
Note: All the files required for the generation of the
target list are found up at KAIT in
The basic galaxy list was
generated from the catalog of
2810 nearby galaxies (Kraan-Korteweg, 1986, Astron&AS, 66, 255)
and extracted by Bruno Leibundgut with the
following criteria:
- Blue magnitude brighter than 14.0 (B_T < 14.0) distant than 5 time
- not be smaller than 10 arcsecs
- magnitude brighter than -19.0 (assuming a Virgo 21.5 Mpc; this is just a
scaling parameter) member of the Local Group (with the exception of M31 and
- luminosity class later than III-IV.
Many of the coordinates have been corrected (and many
remained to be done) using the
data base
The galaxies are then grouped together in two types of
request files.
using the doit script.
The request files typically contain five
galaxies that are with 5 degrees of each other.
Three Day Galaxies
There are a total of 461 galaxies in the three day list.
The sn*.rqs have the following characteristics:
- Observed every 3 days
- North of 0 degrees declination
- Brighter than 12.5 magnitude
- Maximum distance 8 MPc.
- Priority 10
Seven Day Galaxies
There are a total of 203 galaxies in the seven day requests.
The sf*.rqs have the following characteristics:
- Observed every 7 days
- North of -10 degrees declination
- Between than 12.5 and 12.8 magnitude
- Maximum distance 8 MPc.
- Priority 20
Last Revised 2/27/97 - RRT