SN sn_cormatch


sn_cormatch tries to determine the position offset and the magnitude difference between the target and the reference images by cross correlating the row and column brightnesses. This procedure is much less reliable than the fiducial star matching procedure since it is very susceptible to sky fluctuations. However, it is valuable for fields in which there are less than two fiducial stars.

The script first generates a row spectrum of both the target and reference image by adding all the columns up using the mash command. It then uses the corrcol command to determine the cross-correlation between the two spectra and hence the row offset. It then does the same for the column spectra of the target and galaxy.

sn_cormatch updates the values of the keywords NMATCH, DR, DC, MAGDIFF, and MAGDIFF3 into the .cand file.

Last Updated 2/27/97 -RRT