SN Search Tests
The limiting magnitude of the supernvoa search software
was investigated by adding artificial stars to search
images and seeing which of them were detected by
the search software.
The test software was installed at KAIT in the
~treffers/sn/scripts directory.
The magtest script generates the test.
The pstar command
was used to generate an image containing
a random array of 70
gaussian stars with peak heights between
100 and 7 ADUs and 4.00 fwhm.
(See image on the right)
was then performed on the image using the
same aper_size and mconst as the search.
The magnitude scale is probably correct to
within a few tenths.
This test image was then added to a search image and
the sn_search was run.
Then a list comparing the observed magnitudes to the
intrinsic magnitudes of the stars was made.
A magnitude of 25.0 was assigned if the star was
not detected.
Here is a graph showing a test run on the image
The red line has unit slope between the observed
and instrinsic magnitudes.
It can be seen that save for one star, the search
is essentially complete in this image to 17.5.
It can be seen that the observed magnitudes
agree to the intrinsic magnitudes within an
rms error of a a few tenths .
There is a also systematic displacement; I don't
know the reason for this error.
Limitations and Future Plans
The sensitivity graphs should be repeated under different
ambient light levels and seeing conditions as
well as with differering seed values of the random
number generator.
Sensitivity can be traded off with false alarms, before
it runs up against photon noise.
We have a ways to go.
Here is another image Mar7jfhs run with MINSIG=20 found
in the routine
And another with MINSIG=15 for Mar7jfsg.
Last Updated 3/21/97 - RRT