Joanne D Cohn
Research Scientist & SSL Fellow
Space Sciences Laboratory
Theoretical Astrophysics Center
UC Berkeley
The figure source is
(taken from Steve Furlanetto)
Research Interests
Theoretical Cosmology
Current Teaching
C290 C
, Cosmology Seminar, 2001-present
Stellar mass/SFR validation tests
(see appendix of this paper for documentation for github validation tests for redshifts 0-4)
List of
some online publicly available mock catalogues
Merger papers list
, please feel free to suggest fitting functions for subhalo (galaxy) or halo mergers for me to add.
Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics
Berkeley Cosmology Group
UC Berkeley Astronomy Home
Students/Postdocs Advised/Mentored
Han Aung (now at Jerusalem)
Yookyung Noh (physics research/industry)
Kenji Kadota (now at HIAS-UCAS and ICTP-AP Hangzhou)
Tzu-Ching Chang (now at JPL)
Andrew Wetzel (now at Davis)
Renske Smit (now at Leiden)
Reiko Nakajima (now at Bonn)
Non-physics research links
Mentoring Guide
from MIT women's faculty network (from NSF program of E. Simmons in 90's)
Berkeley Astronomy
Resources to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Harassment
Information on jobs in and out of academia for physicists
(mostly written in 1996 but with some recent updates)
my pre-arXiv
preprint exchange list
Past Teaching
Co-organizer, Santa Fe Cosmology School, 2008-2015
Physics 221b, Graduate Quantum Mechanics II, Spring 2004
Physics 7C, Electromagnetic waves, physical optics, relativity and quantum physics , Spring 2003
Physics H7A, Honors Mechanics, Spring 2002
NSF Chautauqua course (2000, Harvard) on Cosmological Constant