Research Interests
Physical cosmology: Cosmic web, galaxy evolution, galaxy clusters, mergers, mock catalogues, analytic
models of structure formation, reionization, strong lensing
Positions held
2013-present | Senior Space Fellow and Full Researcher, Space Sciences Lab., TAC member, UC
Berkeley |
2008-2013 | Senior Fellow and Associate Researcher, Space Sciences Lab., TAC member, UC
Berkeley |
2002-2008 | Senior Fellow and Assistant Researcher, Space Sciences Lab., TAC member, UC
Berkeley |
2002-2004 |
Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, UC Berkeley
2000-2001 | Research Associate in the
Harvard College Observatory
1999-2000 | Associate of the Harvard College Observatory
1997-1999 | Visiting Research Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Astronomy and
Dept. of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
1996-1997 |
Bunting Fellow (Radcliffe College, Harvard University)
Visiting Researcher, Tufts Institute of Cosmology, MA
1993-1996 |
Postgraduate Research Physicist X, U of California, Berkeley
1991-93 |
Research Associate, Fermilab Particle Theory Group |
1988-91 |
Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
1984-88 | Research Assistant, University of Chicago, with
D. Friedan and S.H. Shenker
string theory |
1983 | Teaching Assistant, University of Chicago |
1981,82 | Summer
Research Assistant with W.T. Ford and J.G. Smith,
University of Colorado, MAC ee detector at PEP(SLAC) |
1980 | Summer
Research Assistant with D. Winn, Harvard University,
Harvard-Wisconsin-Purdue proton decay experiment-- construction |
1988 | Ph.D., Physics, University of Chicago
Thesis advisors: D. Friedan and S.H. Shenker (superstring theory)
1984 | M.S., Physics, University of Chicago |
1983 | A.B. summa cum laude, Physics, Harvard University |
Fellowships, Grants and Awards
2013-2015 | DOE Research grant |
2012-2014 | DOE Research grant |
2008-2009 | DOE Research grant |
2007-2008 | DOE Research grant |
2002-2005 | NSF EXC Research grant |
2000 | NSF POWRE Award |
1997 | NSF Career Advancement Award |
1996 | Bunting Fellow of Radcliffe College |
1989,1990 | Claire Booth Luce Fellow |
1985,86,87 | Zonta Amelia Earhart Fellowship |
1983-86 | University of Chicago McCormick Fellowship |
1982 | Junior Phi Beta Kappa |
1981,1983 | John Harvard Scholarship, Elizabeth Carey
Agassiz Scholar (honorary) |
Conference and School Presentations
2023 | The Cosmic Web: Connecting Galaxies to Cosmology at High and Low Redshift (KITP) |
2022 |
Cosmic Cartograpy: Exploring the Cosmic Web and Large-Scale Structure (IPMU, remote) |
2018 |
Paving the way for next generation of cosmological surveys (Sesto)
The Nonlinear Universe (BCCP workshop, Smartno)
| 2017 |
Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data, NORDITA
The Nonlinear Universe (BCCP workshop, Smartno)
KITP workshop on galaxy formation
2015 |
Computing the Universe 2015
2014 |
Santa Fe Workshop on LSST
2013 |
Kavli IPMU Workshop on Small Scale Structure, Tokyo
2012 |
Santa Fe Cosmology Workshop on Surveys and Simulations
ICTP Workshop on Large Scale Structure, Trieste
2011 |
Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation, Puerto Vallarta
Dark Energy Survey Collaboration Meeting, Portsmouth
Santa Fe Cosmology School/Workshop
2010 |
Snowcluster galaxy cluster meeting, Snowbird, Utah
NAOC workshop on Redshifts Surveys and Large Scale Structure, Beijing
Santa Fe Cosmology School/Workshop
ICTP Summer School in Cosmology, Trieste
2009 |
DES Cluster Workshop
Santa Fe Cosmology School |
2008 | IUCAA summer school and workshop on Cosmology, Pune
2007 | Clusters of Galaxies as Cosmological Probes
Santa Fe Cosmology Workshop |
2006 | Cosmological Probes of Baryons and Dark Matter
Galaxy Evolution and Large Surveys (Aspen)
Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (Florence) Astroparticle
and Cosmology Workshop
2005 | Santa Fe Cosmology Workshop
The Future of Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters, Kona
AAS January meeting |
2002 | Aspen Meeting on Large Scale Structure |
2001 | AAS January meeting |
2000 | ITP miniprogram on the CMB |
1999 |
Santa Fe Workshop on Structure Formation
Aspen Meeting on the Cosmological Constant
APS Division of Particle and Fields, UCLA
1998 |
COSMO-98, Monterey
Weighing the Universe with Galaxy Clusters, Aspen
From Recombination to Garching, Aug 1998
CAPP, Cosmology and particle physics meeting, CERN, Jun 1998
Fermilab Missing Matter Meeting, May 1998
1997 |
COSMO-97, Ambleside UK
Aspen Workshop on Precision measurements in cosmology
Boston Area Cosmology Meeting
Aspen Winter Cosmology Conference
1996 |
XXXIth Moriond Meeting (Microwave Background Anisotropies) |
1993 | Strings '93 |
1992 | TASI Summer School, guest lecturer |
1988 |
XVII Int. Conf. on Group Theor. Methods in Physics (Montreal)
1987 |
Cambridge Post-Newtonian String Workshop
Cargese Institute on Non-Perturbative Methods in Field Theory
Ecole Normale Summer Workshop
Students/Postdocs Advised or Mentored
Past: |
Kenji Kadota (thesis adviser, now at IBS, Korea)
Tzu-Ching Chang (postdoc, now at JPL)
Andrew Wetzel (student, now at Davis)
Renske Smit (student, now at Leiden)
Reiko Nakajima (postdoc, now at Bonn)
Yookyung Noh (thesis adviser, now at Intel)
Han Aung (student, now at Jerusalem)
Service, Other
2001-present | organizer/host,
Berkeley Cosmology Group seminar
2024 | Conference co-organizer of Higgs Centre Workhop on Theoretical Modeling of Large-Scale Structure of the Universe, Higgs Centre, University of Edinburgh
| 2023 | conference co-organizer for The Co-evolution of the Cosmic Web and Galaxies across Cosmic Time, KITP,
Santa Barbara |
2023 | workshop co-organizer for The Cosmic Web:
Connecting Galaxies to Cosmology at High and Low Redshift, KITP,
Santa Barbara |
2022 | workshop organizer for Reionization and Cosmic Dawn: Looking Forward to the Past (BCCP) |
2019 | workshop organizer for The Cosmic Web: From Galaxies to Cosmology (Higgs Centre, ROE)
2008-2014 | Santa Fe Cosmology School/workshop co-organizer |
2007 |
organizer, CCAPP workshop on AGN in the cosmological context
organizer, Aspen workshop on modelling galaxy clustering
2001-2008 | Theoretical Astrophysics Center co-webmaster |
2004,2005 | organizer, LBNL summer cosmology workshops |
2003-2005 | organizer, Theoretical Astrophysics
Center seminars
2003 | organizer, Aspen workshop on cosmology
and astrophysics with galaxy clusters
1999-2001 |
Theoretical Astrophysics group lunch seminar (CfA)
1999-2000 |
Director, NSF Chautauqua
course on the cosmological constant
Harvard Astronomy Department web page upgrade (adding over 100 pages)
and maintenance
| 1997-1999 |
guest lectures in Astronomy 250, 199, 396; Physics 480
introductory talks on various current areas of cosmology
cosmology in the news and related web pages
1996 | Bunting Institute Public Lecture |
1996-20?? |
jobs resources web site: Center for Particle Astrophysics,
| 1995 |
organizer, reading group on superstrings and cosmology, Berkeley |
1991-1993 |
organizer, particle theory group seminars, Fermilab |
1992 |
organizer, summer reading group on black holes and information loss, MIT |
1989-1991 |
created and ran e-mail string theory preprint distribution list (which grew to ~>180 people in several institutions and countries);
automated by P. Ginsparg to begin (now
distribution system, summer of 1991 |
1984-1988 |
started and ran journal club for graduate students, U Chicago |
1986 |
organizer, reading group on topology and geometry in field theory,
U Chicago |
1984 |
graduate student adviser on graduate student admissions, U Chicago |