
See also the review of simulation methods and codes at, "Cosmological simulations of Galaxy Formation," a review paper by Vogelsberger, Marinacci, Torrey and Puchwein.

Galaxy and some other Mock Catalogues available online

This page is a list of publicly galaxy mock catalogues available online, many require you to register. See also cosmohub which has many catalogues available, some public, some private (will add list of public ones as soon as I get a chance to make a list).
See also this excellent github list by dr-guangtou.
Please email to add to it.
Abacus Cosmos| Aeumulus| Bahamas| BOSS Galaxy-Halo| CAMELS| Cosmosim| CurieHZ Project| EAGLE project| HACC (several large simulations, including SZ and for LSST) Illustris| JWST extragalactic mock| Magneticum Pathfinder| MICE| Millennium Simulation+SAM| QPM| Quijote| SIDES| SLICS| Skies and Universes| 21ssd (21cm)| WebCMB|

Abacus Cosmos

Aemulus Project

BAHAMAS simulations

BOSS Galaxy Halo modeling



CurieHZ Project

EAGLE simulations

  • galaxy and halo catalogues in cosmological hydronamical simulations (enhanced GADGET), volues 25-100 Mpc/h per side.
  • Release paper,>, McAlpine et al, 2016


Illustris project, including TNG

  • need to get account
  • TNG:
  • First release:
    • At
    • Gas and Dark matter, and Dark matter only, AREPO code, WMAP9 cosmology, 106.5 Mpc side boxes with different resolution.
    • properties of gas (per cell), dark matter particles, wind/stars particles, tracers, black holes, galaxies (with sunrise, stellar images, 13 redshifts), morphologies, stellar mass histories, black hole histories, etc, see list here.
    • release papers: Vogelsberger et al, 2014 and Genel et al, 2014.

JWST Extragalactic mock

  • Paper describing mock (
  • 11'x11' Mock, z = 0.2 - 15.0, log(M*) = 6 - 12
  • RA,DEC, redshift, stellar mass, MUV, beta, sfr, specific sfr, flux in HST filters, axis ratio, sersic index, semi-major half-light radius, etc

Magneticum Pathfinder

  • Not clear how public it is.
  • Boxes in a wide range of sizes (2688, 896, 640 ,352, 128, 48, 18 Mpc/h), with hydro, different resolutions.
  • also some reference dark matter runs
  • Galaxies, SZ, Xray


  • Dark matter halos, light cones.
  • Refs: P.Fosalba, E.Gaztanaga, F.Castander, M.Manera. MNRAS 391, 435 (2008) M.Crocce, P.Fosalba, F.Castander, E.Gaztanaga. MNRAS 403, 1353 (2010)
  • served at which has observational and simulated data

Millennium Database

  • To get to full database, need to get account
  • Several different semi-analytic models grafted onto DM simulations
    • 62.5,100,100,500,500,521,1043 (Mpc/h)3 boxes with different cosmologies; 521 and 104 boxes are with most recent Planck cosmologies
    • models here
    • models include halo/galaxy merger trees and rich list of galaxy properties, depending on particular model choice (includes intrinsic properties such as halo spin, central/sat, etc and observables including sdss bands, dust, plus many other things)
    • Recent detailed models include L Galaxies model

QPM mocks

  • The mockFactory is a collection of public code to help create mock galaxy catalogs for BOSS (and other surveys). This includes populating simulation halo catalogs (galaxy bias) and adding survey realism. Data at NERSC and generally available.


Paper is, Villescusa-Navarro et al.
  • 43100 full N-body simulations spanning more than 7000 cosmological models in the {Omega_m,Omega_b,h,ns,sigma_8,M_nu,w} hyperplane
  • At a single redshift the simulations contain more than 8.5 trillions of particles over a combined volume of 43100 (Gpc/h)3
  • Billions of dark matter halos and cosmic voids have been identified in the simulations
  • Release of the Petabyte of data generated, comprising hundreds of thousands of simulation snapshots at multiple redshifts, halo and void catalogs, together with millions of summary statistics such as power spectra, bispectra, correlation functions, marked power spectra, and estimated probability density functions.

SIDES (Simulated Infrared Dusty Extragalactic Sky)

  • This is a simulation of the extragalactic sky including clustering based on empirical prescriptions. The method used to build this simulated catalog is described in Bethermin, Wu, Lagache, et al. , (sub. to A&A). Please refer to this paper if you use this catalog.
  • Based on Bolshoi (DM, in below), lightcone 1.4deg x 1.4deg from 0 < z < 10, comoving volume of 0.17 Gpc3
  • Includes ra, dec, mhalo, mstar, sfr, magnification from lensing, and what is found in a wide range of various filters for each halo.
  • info (readme) is here

Skies and Universes

SLICS (Scinet LIghtCone Simulations)

  • >800 independent N-body simulations ran with CUBEP3M, each post-processed into 100 sq.deg. light-cones. Many observables available including:
    • mock weak lensing galaxy catalogues
    • spectroscopic galaxy surveys catalogues
    • lensing maps reconstructed from the cosmological microwave background.
    • Also available on request: mass maps, shear maps and dark matter halo catalogues, as well as some two-point correlation function measurements such as P(k,z=0), xi+/-, C_ell^kappa, w(theta), Delta(Sigma).

21SSD: a public database of simulated 21-cm signals from the epoch of reionization

  • The 21cm Simulated Signal Database is a publicly available repository of 21cm signal lightcones produced with a number of large radiative-hydrodynamics simulations.
  • The simulations are described in 21SSD: a public database of simulated 21-cm signals from the epoch of reionization, Semelin, Eames, Bolgar and Caillat, 2017.


  • Mocks of nside=2048 of CIB (in MJy/sr) intensity, Compton-y, CMB lensing convergence, and lensed and unlensed CMB temperature, all from the same 8192^3 16 Gpc simulation. The minimum halo mass used was 2.62e13 M200,M.
  • Higher resolution maps and different frequencies are available upon request.

Please email to add correct/references. Thank you to M. Alvarez, S. Habib and M. White for suggestions.