Introduction to Adaptive Optics
Slides from a talk given at Chabot Observatory
Why do astronomers need adaptive optics: 1
Why do astronomers need adaptive optics: 1
Images of a star with and without adaptive optics
How to correct for atmospheric blurring
How a Hartmann sensor measures wavefront tilt
Wavefront sensors use fast CCDs
How a deformable mirror works
Adaptive optics divides the telescope pupil into patches
Deformable mirrors
Components of an adaptive optics system
Adaptive optics at Lick Observatory
Adaptive optics on the Lick 3-m telescope
The Lick 3-m adpative optics bench
Performance of the Lick system
Adaptive optics on Mauna Kea
The Keck Telescopes
The Keck Telescopes
Inside the Keck II dome
Adaptive optics at Keck is spectacular
Movies of an asteroid
Jupiter's moon Io
Saturn's moon Titan
Hubble images of Titan
Titan imaged with adaptive optics
Surface feature on Titan
Weather on the giant planets: Neptune
Neptune: what can AO do?
Neptune: in the infrared
Is there a black hole in the center of the Milky Way
The Galactic Center at 2.2 microns
Adaptive optics and visions science
Adaptive optics provides the finest images of the retina
First images of the three kinds of cones in the living human retina