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The Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) program with Hubble was started in 2014 with the goal of studying time-domain phenomena in Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, with Saturn added in 2018 once the Cassini spacecraft was de-orbited. Key areas of study are heat transport and climate circulation, atmospheric structure and evolution, composition, the formation of clouds and hazes, impact processes, and impactor populations. Once a year, the OPAL program images each of our four outer planets, producing pairs of global maps in multiple filters, which are made available at the MAST archive. The OPAL team (Simon, Wong, and Orton) have used the data to discover new dark spots on Neptune, discover a UV-dark oval in Jupiter's southern polar haze cap, measure changes in Jupiter's Great Red Spot over time, detect fine-scale waves, chronicle shifts in haze and cloud layers on all four planets, measure jet streams, and study the structure and evolution of convective storms. The data have also provided a valuable resource enhancing the science return from the Juno and New Horizons spacecraft missions, also supplementing observations from a growing list of observatories including JWST, Kepler, Spitzer, VLA, Keck, ALMA, IRTF, VLT, and Gemini.
Science highlights from in-situ observations of variable atmospheric composition will be presented, ranging from mysterious fluctuations in oxygen and methane on Mars, to unexpectedly deep depletions of cloud-forming gases on Jupiter. In future years, probes may visit Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to solve mysteries revealed by current remote sensing and modeling studies. An exciting opportunity for the new century is the possibility to send small secondary probes into giant planet atmospheres, to obtain in-situ data at multiple locations. Composition measurements by small probes would be enabled by chip-scale gas sensors, capable of accurate composition measurements but with much smaller resource requirements compared to flagship-class mass spectrometers.
Lightning signals of different types have been detected by every spacecraft that visited Jupiter since Voyager in 1979. The Juno mission currently in orbit around Jupiter has returned a wealth of new data on lightning phenomena. Juno's Microwave Radiometer has detected thousands of radio bursts known as "sferics." Given the distance to the spacecraft and the frequency of emission, the signals imply an incredibly powerful source strength, comparable to the rarest high-energy events in terrestrial storms. As on Earth, Jupiter's lightning is more common in some locations like cyclonic belts and storms---but rare in other locations--- revealing that heat transport by convection is not homogeneous. Combining Juno and HST data reveals the cloud structure in storms associated with intense clusters of sferics. Juno has also discovered UV emissions that may resemble terrestrial sprites, and shallow lightning that may require exotic "mushballs" composed of a slush of ammonia and water ices.