BAIT: dostandard script


dostandard - takes and analyzes standard star observations




Depending on the local sidereal time, dostandard selects one of five equatorial Landolt standard stars and takes a single R band image. It then invokes dostandard2 which does photometry on the stars and then assumes that the brightest is the standard star (a good assumption for these fields). It prints out a line similar to the following:

03:29:15 dostandard Oct3ddrn R 120. 4.7716 5.997 1.26 SA1121242

Where the the first field is the Universal time, the second field is the procedure name, the third the DATID, the fourth and fifth fields are the filter and reference exposure time. The sixth field is the difference between the instrumental magnitude and the catalog R magnitude. The seventh field is the fwhm of the star in pixels. The eighth field is the airmass and the last field is the name of the star.

From the value of the photometry it calculates the extinction by the following:

extinct= r - Rcat - 0.2*(airmass-1.0) - r0

r - is the instrumental magnitude
Rcat - is the Landolt catalog magnitude r0 - is a zero point that is telescope dependent

The value of r0 is contained in the file ait.config and is determined empirically from observations on high quality nights.

Finally the extinction and the seeing (converted to angular units) is transmitted to insgen, for use in the scheduling. It shows up as an entry in insgen.log similar to:

03:29:17 insgen conditions seeing=4.1 extinct=0.6


insgen, landolt, tin