Photo of GPI members at the May 2008 Critical Design Review.

Left to right:
Coba Ricard (HIA)
Randy Bartos (JPL)
Fred Vescelus (JPL)
Chris Shelton (JPL)
Kent Wallace (JPL)
Simon Thibault (Immervision)
Rene Doyon (UdM)
Anand Sivaramakrishnan
Evan Kress (UCLA)
Ben Oppenheimer (AMNH)
David Palmer (LLNL)
Bruce Macintosh (LLNL)
Christian Marois (HIA)
James Graham (UCB)
Lisa Poyneer (LLNL)
Les Saddlemeyer (HIA)
James Larkin (UCLA)
Darren Erickson (HIA)
Jason Weiss (UCLA)
Don Gavel (UCSC)
Marty Levine (JPL).

Absent -
Jennifer Dun


GPI Members

(alphabetical by institution)

American Museum of Natural History (AMNH): AMNH is leading the design and testing of GPI’s apodized-pupil Lyot coronagraph.

Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (HIA): Canada’s Herzberg Institute is responsible for the opto-mechanical structure (OMSS) of GPI and the top-level computer (TLC) that connects the subsystems to each other and the observatory. HIA is also collaborating on control algorithms for the AO system.

  • Les Saddlemeyer (Co-PI and GPI Systems Engineer)
  • Jean-Pierre Veran
  • Darren Erikson (OMSS lead)
  • Jennifer Dunn (TLC lead)
  • Christian Marois

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL): JPL is responsible for the precision infrared wavefront-calibration system.

  • J. Kent Wallace (Co-PI)
  • B. Marty Levine
  • Randy Bartos
  • Bijan Nemati
  • Chris Shelton

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): LLNL is the lead instution for GPI, responsible for the overall design and project management, and the real-time adaptive optics system.

  • Bruce Macintosh (Principle Investigator)
  • Dave Palmer (Project Manager)
  • Brian Bauman
  • Julia Evans
  • Lisa Poyneer

University of California, Berkeley (UCB): Professor James Graham at UC Berkeley leads the GPI Science Team:

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): The Infrared Instrumentation Laboratory is responsible for the construction of the GPI science instrument, a near-IR integral field spectrograph.

University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC): GPI integration and testing will take place in 2010 at the UC Santa Cruz Laboratory for Adaptive Optics. UCSC hosts the Center for Adaptive Optics:

  • Don Gavel (co-PI)
  • Daren Dillon
  • Sandrine Thomas

University of Exeter, UK: Science team member

  • Jenny Patience

University de Montreal: University de Montreal is providing the data analysis pipeline to extract planetary signals from GPI data, and collaborating with UCLA on the design of the spectrograph.

  • Rene Doyon (co-PI)
  • Simon Thibault (Immervision)