BAIT manual page


photo_all - takes image of celestial object and does photometry


photo_all [quality]


photo_all takes a picture of an astronomical target, and is usually invoked thru telco. It takes an image using the RA, DEC, FILTERS, DATID and EXPTIME set in the environment using the photo command. Then in the background it invokes photo_all2 which does the bias, dark and flat field corrections using the ccdproc procedure. Then does aperture photometry using dophot. If the quality option is specified, the nightime procedure do_quality is called which evaluates the night transparency and stability. Ultimately, this procedure will be used to determine the night time conditions.

The background procedure checks the environment variable SENDMAIL. If it is true (T), the photometry coordinate (.coo) and photometry files (.pht) are sent to the remote system. Also a line is entered into the file sendmail.log so the observer can be informed by e-mail by morning.csh that the observations are available.


ccdproc, morning.csh, photo, telco


The HOME_DIR must be specified in the environment. It really should be derived from the FITS header in the image.