I enjoy giving talks and lectures to the general public and to specialists in the field:
1. For astrophysicists: Direct detection of extrasolar planets and dusty debris disks, high-contrast imaging techniques, and science ethics.
2. For the public: Extrasolar planetary systems, origin of life in the Universe, the Hubble Space Telescope, science ethics.
Below is a record of talks and lectures in reverse chronological order.
I stopped updating this list after 2015...
Frontiers of Astronomy Community Lecture, "EXOPLANETS," University of Hawaii (Honolulu, HI, Dec 2)
Extreme Solar Systems III Conference (Waikola, HI, Nov. 29 - Dec. 4)
Mount Diablo Astronomical Society (Walnut Creek, CA, October 27)
12th Hellenic Astronomical Conference (Thessaloniki, Greece, June 28 - July 2)
Spirit of Lyot 2015 (Montreal, Canada, June 22-26)
Astronomy & Physics Colloquium, University of Georgia (Athens, GA, Nov. 20)
Thirty Years of Beta Pic and Debris Disk Studies (Paris, France, September 8-12)
Characterizing planetary systems across the HR diagram (Cambridge, UK, July 28 - August 1)
Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics and Cosmology (Budapest, Hungary, June 29-July 5)
Astronomy Colloquium, Carnegie Observatories (Pasadena, CA, October 1)
European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (London, UK, September 8-13)
IAU Symposium 299: Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (Victoria, Canada, June 2-7)
Astronomy Seminar, NRC Herzberg (Victoria, Canada, April 23)
Exoplanets in Multi-body Systems in the Kepler Era (Aspen, CO, Feb. 9-15)
Astrobiology Seminar, Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre (Stockholm, Sweden, October 21)
From atoms to pebbles: Herschel's view of star and planet formation (Grenoble, France, March 20-23) - link
NOVA Lectures (The Netherlands, May 25-29)
Vanderbilt University Physics Colloquium (Nashville, TN, March 31)
Southwest Research Institute Colloquium (Boulder, CO, Feb. 1)
Ringberg Castle Workshop: Planetary Population Synthesis (Ringberg, Germany, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3)
University of Virginia / NRAO Colloquium (Charlottesville, Virginia, Nov. 18)
In the Spirit of Lyot 2010* (Paris, France, October 25 - 29) [founder, SOC]
Science with the Hubble Space Telescope III - Two decades and counting (Venice, Italy, October 11 - 15)
IAU Symposium 276: The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems (Torino, Italy, October 11 - 15)
2010 AIAA Pickering Lecture (Anaheim, CA, September 1)
Astronomy C12: The Planets (Berkeley, CA, April 27)
UCLA Earth & Space Sciences Seminar (Los Angeles, CA, April 15)
Center for Space Physics, Boston University (Boston, MA, April 8)
Exoplanets Rising: Astronomy and Planetary Science at the Crossroads (Santa Barbara, CA, March 29 - April 1)
Mount Diablo Astronomical Society (Concord, CA, February 23)
PPPL 2010 Science on Saturday Lecture Series (Princeton, NJ, January 23)
Berkeley Breakfast Club (Berkeley, CA, January 15)
Dynamics of Outer Planetary Systems (Edinburgh, UK, November 9 - 11)
From Circumstellar Disks to Planetary Systems (Garching, Germany, November 3 - 6)
Towards Other Earths (Porto, Portugal, October 19-23)
Earth and Planetary Science Dept. Colloquium (Berkeley, CA, October 8)
Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series (Foothill College, CA, October 7)
SETI Institute Seminar Series (Mountain View, CA, September 16)
Renaissance Weekend (Monterey, CA, September 4-7)
Dept. Physics Colloquium, Sonoma State University (Rohnert Park, August 31)
ESA/ESO/FFG Summer School: Exoplanets (Alpbach, Austria, July 23)
International Year of Astronomy Lecture Series (Heraklion, Crete, June 30)
Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium (Heidelberg, Germany, June 23)
University of Washington Astrobiology Colloquium (Seattle, WA, June 2)
UCSC Earth and Planetary Sciences Colloquium (Santa Cruz, CA, May 29)
LLNL / IGPP Colloquium (Livermore, CA, May 22)
Space Sciences Laboratory Colloquium (Berkeley, CA, May 15)
UC Davis Astronomy Seminar (Davis, CA, May 14)
Peninsula Astronomical Society (Los Altos, CA, May 8)
Astronomy C12: The Planets (Berkeley, CA, May 7)
NASA GSFC Astrophysics Science Division Colloquium (Greenbelt, MD, April 28)
Physics 24: Freshman Seminar on Exoplanets (Berkeley, CA, April 23)
Ethics in Astronomy Lecture (Honolulu, HI, April 16)
Institute for Astronomy Colloquium (Honolulu, HI, April 15 - scored 8/10)
Steward Observatory/NOAO Joint Colloquium (Tucson, AZ, April 2)
Subaru Observatory Conference: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity (Kona, HI, March 9 - 12)
Solar-Extrasolar Meeting at NASA Ames (Moffett Field, CA, February 4 - 6)
Universite Josef Fourier, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble, France (November 18)
German-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, Potsdam, Germany (June 11-14).
Les Houches Winter School, "Physics & Astrophysics of Planetary Systems", Les Houches, France (Feb. 18 - 29).
Center for Integrative Planetary Science, Seminar Series, Berkeley, CA (Jan. 30).
American Astronomical Society,"The Dynamics of Astrophysical Disks" , Austin, TX (Jan. 10).
1998 - 2007
- Gordon Research Conferences, "Origins of Solar Systems", Henniker, NH
- Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Victoria, B.C. Canada
- Lawrence Livermore National Laborary (IGPP), Livermore, CA
- Lunar & Planetary Institute, Houston, TX
- Randall Museum, San Francisco, CA
- Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD
- San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
- University of California, Los Angeles, CA
- University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
- University of Crete, Greece